Naud Gin 700ml
Naud Gin 700ml
The Naud Gin is a French gin from the ‘Noble And Unusual Distillery’ a.k.a. Naud. Mostly known for its cognacs. However, give its rum or this fresh gin a try! It is soft and delicate, with a decidedly sweet flavor profile.
Exalting fragrances of hibiscus, citrus, coriander and spicy juniper greet you as in a garden. Its taste is lively and powerful, of citrus fruit, menthol and spices (cinnamon, cubeb, cardamom). It begins with a dominant juniper note, bergamot follows and it ends in a fresh and persistent fashion.
Naud’s became the family distillery in 1923 that is well concealed upon a small island. The art of crafting spirits has been passed down for generations. Its destiny is now in the hands of Jean-Michel and Pierre NAUD, who are combining their skills and passion to reveal a selection of original and fine spirits: Cognac, Distilled Gin, Wheat Vodka, Rum and Spiced Rum. Throughout decades, Emile Perrier meticulously elaborated original fruit liquors which were renown across the region. Therefore they are the brave pioneers with a new vision of spirits and have reignited their fires to create Cognac’s.
Origin: France
700 ml each